January 31, 6:30 pm

We typically host the annual meeting in January of each year. We will be doing the same this year but it will not be held on a Sunday. It will be on Wednesday, January 31st during the service. We are changing this for a few reasons. One is because we need 50 people from the congregation to be present to meet a quorum. Two, we can make it easier for parents to attend an annual meeting. And three, we feel it is important for children to see and hear a different side of the church.

You may be wondering how we are going to pull that off. We will be modifying the service that day to incorporate the annual meeting. The actual meeting agenda and presentations will be much more condensed than what was historically presented.

Because the actual meeting will be condensed, we are hosting a separate listening and feedback session specific to the budget after the service on Sunday, January 21st. Once Council approves the budget (at December's Council meeting) we will make the budget available for everyone to review. This will include the actual income and expense projections as well as a companion narrative outlining how we will incorporate the Financial Strategy Team's recommendations. (A recap from President Jess Gromer's article in the November 20th Newsletter)


Annual Report

Annual ReporT 2023 

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