Care Center meal

Want to serve at the downtown mission? The third Friday of the month. Food preparation starts at 2:00 PM in the kitchen located in the basement of the mission. We serve the same menu from month to month so if someone volunteers to help only once or twice during the year, it is easy to recall the routine. We need a minimum of 4 members but not more than 6. It generally takes an hour and a half with 4-6 people to prepare the meal so we’re usually done by 3:15 to 3:30 PM. Members who want to help prepare the meal should sign up by the 2nd week of the month.

Server hours are from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM. We like to have 5-6 people to serve. We encourage family participation but prefer that children actually helping be older than 8 Yrs. due to the way the kitchen is set up. Servers are encouraged to sign up by the 2nd Sunday of the month. We have sign up space for 6 servers on the sign up sheet in the Narthex. Families should put down how many will be serving. Members who have never served before will be paired with members who are experienced with the serving routine. Servers are only expected to serve the meal. The Mission staff will take care of the clean up.  (All the food has already been donated.*)

Please contact Barb Lampert, 342-1711 if you are interested in helping with this great outreach.

*We depend on the congregation members to sign up for the food items they want to contribute each month and to leave the check either in the envelope provided or drop it in the offering plate. (Checks should indicate it is for the mission meal) The donations for mission meal items are used exclusively to purchase the food required each month.

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